
Your tutors will provide you with the support, guidance and encouragement you need to succeed.
Our courses have been carefully designed to provide an up-to-date and practical educational experience to ensure that you are primed to succeed upon graduation.

Your supportive tutors will nurture your individual talents to help you achieve success. You will receive constructive feedback on your assignments as you progress through the course which is essential to developing your creative writing skills.

All our tutors are creative writing professionals working in the industry - take a look at their profiles below.

Roy Calley

Roy Calley

Roy is a former BBC journalist of 26 years. He is also an established author with fourteen books published, all of which can be seen on Amazon. These cover different genres, from fiction to non-fiction, sport to history. He is an experienced ghostwriter with numerous clients and has helped young authors realise their dream of writing their own book.

Dane Cobain

Dane Cobain

Dane Cobain is a published author, freelance writer, writing coach, poet and musician. After graduating from Roehampton University with a creative writing degree, he worked in marketing before leaving the rat race to spend his days writing. Since 2015, he’s published a dozen books and ghostwritten many more, as well as helping hundreds of first-time authors to build their publishing businesses.

John Scott

John Scott

John has a BA in Scriptwriting and an MA in Theatre and Script. He runs a freelance creative writing business and worked with Oscar nominees and in Japanese Feature Film Animation. He’s passionate about teaching and works regularly with Live Theatre Newcastle and various charities. Besides being a writer, John has been a pro-comedian and comedy writer for over two decades. He has written and performed for ITV, BBC, BBC Radio, and many online platforms.

Philip Webb Gregg

Philip Webb Gregg

Philip studied at Cambridge School of Art and has a 1st in Creative Writing and English Literature. His short stories and flash have been widely published and nominated for various awards including the Bath Flash Fiction Award, Aesthetica Magazine Creative Writing Award and the Desperate Literature Prize. He has extensive experience as a reader, ghost-writer and commissioning editor. He currently works as a freelance storyteller, writing everything from fantasy video games to Shakespearean academic papers.

Ian Murphy

Ian Murphy

Ian Murphy Is a creative writing tutor based in Edinburgh. He has a background in video production, community education and writes fiction whenever his two children allow it. Ian has had a number of short stories published in print and online, he has self-published a psychological mystery called The Life Lived, and his Middle Grade novel The Time-Consuming Adventures of Harper Smedley, is currently out for query. In 2023 Ian’s novel Harper was long listed for the 2023 Writer Mentor Novel and Picture Book Awards (also selected among the Reader's Favourites) and shortlisted for the Wells Festival of Literature 2023 Book for Children Competition. Ian has been published alongside Salman Rushdie and Margaret Atwood in Tales On Tweet (HarperCollinsIndia) and has twice read his work at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Ian is currently working on YA novel, and you can find further details about his work

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