8 Good Reasons to Study Creative Writing

Whether or not people are aware, writing is a huge part of everyday life and can be found in almost every facet of communication. Reading a book or poem is quite literally where words are creatively telling a story, but creative writing exists in film, theatre, television, social media, almost anywhere something is communicated. So if it’s so ubiquitous, why study it? The answer lies in the quality of what we read and what we listen to and watch. Anyone with basic levels of literacy can write, but only a few write well. The reason for this has as much to do with skill as it does with talent; and this is where a creative writing course is invaluable.

Here are 8 fundamental reasons why studying creative writing is an absolute necessity for anyone eager to improve their writing.

1. Enhancing Writing Skills

In order to enhance writing skills, the writer must push themselves out of their comfort zone and test their mettle. A tutor will task students to write a variety of different assignments and by experimenting with different genres, a writer will expose themself to an inner voice they may never have otherwise known existed. If you enjoy writing fiction, write a memoir. If you love poetry, write an article. Try a screenplay, a crime story, a blog! Whatever it is, make sure it’s new to you. It should at first feel a little clumsy and awkward, but with the guidance of a tutor, you will soon discover that you have perhaps a broader range of writing skills than you originally believed.

2. Encouraging Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a skill that is taught and should not be mistaken for finding fault or simply comparing work. It is analysis and story dissection. In order for a writer to accurately evaluate a story structure or understand pace or character development, they first need informed guidance to understand how to approach such intelligent critique. These skills are invaluable, not just in writing, but in everyday problem-solving and decision-making.

3. Fostering a Sense of Community

There are those who want to write but are not at all comfortable with the solitary nature of the craft. However, writing does not need to be a solo endeavour. Creative writing courses offer a supportive community of like-minded individuals where students will share their work, receive feedback, and engage in constructive criticism. This is a vital part of your development as a writer and is a truly interactive experience.

4. Providing Access to Experienced Instructors

This is gold! One of the greatest assets of a creative writing course is the access to experienced and knowledgeable instructors. Professional writers can provide guidance, share industry insights, and offer invaluable feedback to help refine your writing.

5. Building a Writing Routine

As a writer, you will be dependent on self governance and self discipline. Again, these are skills that are taught and with a little practice, can indeed become a daily routine of life. The nature of a structured course will naturally encourage consistency and direction, helping writers develop a writing schedule. Writing is a job and involves commitment and continuous effort. A creative writing course can introduce this mindset to a budding writer, without them even realising it is happening.

6. Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

Through storytelling and character development, writers must learn to empathise and to look at the world from different perspectives. Characters can be fictional or nonfiction, fantastical or mundane but one thing they cannot be is the same as each other. In order to create stories and characters with depth and humanity, a writer must delve into areas unfamiliar to them. Characters cannot always have the same opinions, outlook and desires as the writer. This exploration will, almost by osmosis, enhance emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. 

7. Boosting Confidence

An enormous benefit of studying creative writing is the confidence a writer will earn as they progress through a course. Feedback from peers and from a tutor will help a writer to see where they can improve and where they are succeeding. It can be very difficult for a writer to critically analyse their own work, they are simply too close to it. This boosted self-esteem can extend beyond writing and can positively impact other areas of life.

8. Offering a Creative Outlet

A creative writing course provides a structured outlet for self-expression. Students can channel their thoughts, feelings, and ideas into their work and feel the freedom and encouragement to take some risks and to truly express themselves. Attending a course can provide a sense of catharsis and a great sense of personal fulfilment.

Whether you're looking to improve your writing skills, connect with a community of writers, or simply find a creative outlet, our creative writing course offers a wealth of benefits. Our tutors are professional writers with experience across numerous genres. If you have a story you want to tell but are not sure how to channel it, our courses are where you’ll find that path. Perhaps you are already a published author or a writer interested in broadening their skillset, then we have just the course for you.  With experienced instructors, a supportive environment, and a focus on critical thinking and emotional intelligence, these courses provide a comprehensive experience that can significantly enhance both your writing and your personal development.

Enrol today and find your writing voice.

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Written by: Fiona Byrne

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